o m
e s
X X and Gardens.
Gayle Goodson Butler
Editor in Chief
K itty M organ
L am on t D. O lson
M ich a el D. B elk nap
Executive Editor
Managing Editor
Art Director
H om e D esign
Senior Deputy Editor
O m a Blaise Ford
A ssistant Deputy Editor
Kelly Ryan K egans
East Coast Editor
K ristin e K ennedy
W est Coast Editor
Paige P o rte r F isch er
Senior Editors
Am y P an o s, K it S elzer
A ssistant Editor
Jo a n n a L inberg
Senior Interior Designer
J o s e p h B oehm
Editorial A ssistants
Peggy D au g h erty , R enae G ray
Editorial Director, Holiday and Celebrations
B rid g et S a n d q u ist
Senior Digital Editor
K aelin Z aw ilinski
Holiday and Lifestyle Digital Editor
K a th erin e C. P a rk er
Associate Digital Editor
V eronica T oney
A ssistant Digital Editor
Alicia W ard en
Food & E n terta in in g
Senior Deputy Editor
N ancy W all H opkins
Senior Editor
R ichard S w earin g er
Associate Editor
E rin S im p so n
Editorial A ssistant
R enee Irey
Senior Digital Editor
H e a th e r M organ S h o tt
Social Media Editor
R achel M artin
A ssistant Digital Editor
C atie B ielecki
G arden
Deputy Editor
E ric Liskey
Senior Associate Editor
Jan e A u stin M cK eon
Senior Digital Editor
J u s tin H ancock
L ife sty le
Senior Deputy Editor, Lifestyle
K a th erin e P u sh k a r
Beauty Director
M elissa M ilrad G o ld stein
Health Editor
E rin Q uinlan
Senior Associate Editor
Kelly L. P hillips
Editorial A ssistant
D oris L ohrm an
A rt
Style Director
S te p h en P e rfe tto
Deputy Art Directors
S h elley C aldw ell
S c o tt J. Jo h n so n
K arla Jo K n ip p er
Associate Art Director
K ylee K rizm anic
Graphic Designer
M aggie M eyer
Photography Coordinator
H olly P ru e tt
A d m in istra tio n
Deputy M anaging Editor
Sally F in d er
Production Editor
C indy M u rp h y
Group Copy Chief
K risti C hew
Copy Editors
C.R. M itch ell, M aria D uryee
Office Manager
G inger B a sse tt
Adm inistrative A ssistant
L inda N ew som
Test Kitchen Director
L ynn B lanch ard
Test Garden Manager
S a n d ra J. G erdes
Color Quality Manager
T ony H u n t
Associate Director, Premedia
Rick Jo h n
Prem edia Specialists
J o n P ugh, B rian F rank
Quality/Technical Director
Dave W olvek
G roup E d ito ria l L ea d ers
Brand Leader
G ayle G oo d so n B u tler
Home Design
Jill W aage
K itty M organ
D oug Jim erso n
L am on t O lson
Special Interest Media
G reg Kayko
C o n trib u tin g E d ito rs
Elaine Griffin, Design; Danny Lipford, Design; Scott Peacock, Food; Debra Prinzing, Garden
H ealth A d v iso ry P anel
Lynne T. Shuster, M.D., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; Megan T. Sandel, M.D., Boston Medical Center and Children’s
Hospital, Boston; Melina B. Jampolis, M.D., Los Angeles; Cedric X. Bryant, Ph.D., American Council on Exercise,
San Diego; Heidi A. Waldorf, M.D.,
R egio n al C o n trib u to rs
Lisa Mowry, Atlanta; Barbara Nielsen, Baton Rouge, LA; Sandra Mohlmann, Charleston, SC; Elaine Markoutsas, Shirley Remes,
Hilary Rose, Chicago; Diane Carroll, Fayetteville, AR; Denise Gee, Dallas; Khristi Zimmeth, Detroit; Eileen Alexandra Deymier,
Easton, MD; Susan Fox, Galveston, TX; Joetta Moulden, Houston; Betsy Harris, Indianapolis; Susan Andrews, Marty Ross, Kansas
City Stephanie Rommel, Lexington, KY; Robin Tucker, Laura Hull, Los Angeles; Shawn Gilliam, Alecia Stevens, Minneapolis; Stacy
Kunstel, NH; Anna Molvik, New Paltz, NY; Bonnie Maharam, John Loecke, New York; Cynthia Bogart, RI; Susan Salomon, Portland,
ME; Barbara Mundall, Jan Behrs, Portland, OR; Bonnie Broten, Helen Yoest, Raleigh, NC; Andrea Caughey, San Diego; Donna Talley,
Saratoga Springs, NY; Trish Maharam, Loralee Wenger, Seattle; Heather Lobdell, Tiburon, CA; Karin Lidbeck-Brent, Woodbury, CT
© Copyright M eredith Corporation
. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
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Silhouettes of Hope
by Kari Modén
'I made this for all the women
whose lives have been saved
by breast cancer screenings."
The American Cancer Society has fought
to provide millions of cervical and breast
cancer screenings to women who couldn't
afford them.
Buy artist wrapping paper, prints
and more at
© 2010 Kari Moden used with permission
© 2010 American Cancer Society, Inc.
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